I'm still chasing rogue sanding scratches and polish residue on this Claro Walnut/Port Orford OM body, but I'm calling it "done" for the time being. I'll return to it shortly with fresh eyes and renewed enthusiasm.
It's been some time since I last level sanded and buffed a guitar, and I've been reminded once again that a thorough approach to sanding through a sequence of ever-finer sandpaper grits is crucial to attaining the scratch-free finish that I'm looking for. I began levelling the finish with P600 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper, proceeding through P800, P1000, P1500 and P2000 papers, using soapy water as a lubricant, before buffing with Menzerna polishing compound on a buffing wheel. Having done so, I'm close to achieving the desired outcome, but there's considerable work remaining before sanding scratches are reduced to what I consider an acceptable level.
This guitar body is the first of five that I'll be sanding and buffing, and I'm aware that if I'm disciplined enough and pay sufficient attention to detail, I can minimise the level of frustration that I always deal with throughout this time-consuming process.
Cheers, Pete